Regional features of protest potential in the conditions of social tension
D.A. Kotov,  N.D. Vavilina
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2018-1.2-176-189

The economic crisis associated with imposing of international sanctions and worsening of the material situation of the population over recent years has led to increased social anxiety and social tension in Russian society. Such changes are particularly noticeable in the development of large cities and agglomerations. The inevitable result of the growth of social anxiety and social tension is the emergence of protest moods, which under certain conditions can develop into active protest actions on the part of the population, aimed at opposing worsening of well-being. Classification of the population, depending on their protest potential, is an important part of understanding the nature of protest activity and the motives of the population. Based on the results of a sociological research conducted in Krasnoyarsk, where more than a million people live, in 2015, six homogeneous groups with different protest potentials were singled out using the cluster analysis method. Taking into account the key features of the clusters, they were given names based on 2 characteristics: the level of social well-being and the level of protest activity. These are: "prosperous passive", “non-prosperous passive” “prosperous active", "middle passive", “prosperous neutral", "non-prosperous neutral". 2 groups: "non-prosperous active" and "prosperous active" have the largest protest potential. With a general willingness to act, an important difference between clusters is their social and material position, the pattern of anxiety varies significantly. Based on the data received, the authorities should pay special attention to relieving the tensions associated with environmental concerns and anxiety about the future, as they can be used as an excuse to destabilise the situation in the region

O.I. Ruban
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-56-63

A systematic approach makes it possible to discover new ways of investigating the question of family-marriage problems. Through systematic approach the family is considered not from the point of individual elements’ qualities, but from the point of system’s qualities, which appear as a result of elements’ interaction. Once appeared, these qualities obtain the influence on other elements. In this way, system’s elements’ interaction becomes the key determinant parameter for system’s qualities. The three family systems: traditional, nuclear and individual- are considered within the scope of the systematic approach. Each of the mentioned types is defined by the presence of an over-systematic system-forming principle and orientation on existing cultural models or by their absence. Traditional and nuclear family types have certain patterns of interactions, worked out during the evolution. The third marked out type of family organization is still going through its establishment and development stages. The systematic approach within family-marriage range of problems, on the one hand, is based on epistemology of modern time, and, on the other hand, follows traditional philosophic intuitions in this field. This view allows us to prevent evaluation in description of system’s elements, shifting the attention on the dynamic constituent. This broadens the opportunities of finding modern viable family organization models.

Svetlana Belousova
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-13-27

The article presents a systematic consideration of the “labor” phenomenon which implies studying of internal features of the system, including its internal elements, functions and interrelations. According to this approach the author examines structural components of the labor system, including labor supply, labor potential and labor capital. The paper suggests the quantitative and qualitative assessment of human resources, scantiness of which demands applying an integrated approach to the analysis of labor efficiency, and one of its options “decent work”. After consideration of implementation of the concept “decent work”, the author revealed some vital issues such as theoretical validity of structural indicators of “decent work”, and practical application of the offered parameters in administrative practice as well. Despite an urgent need of such activities, the human resources management practice shows inefficiency of the state policy in the sphere of employment. The author highlights the need of transformation of the object of management in this field towards the labor potential and the labor capital.

N.V. Petrakova
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-34-42

The paper deals with the relationship between dialogue and intersubjectivity. The idea of the subordinate nature of these relations is noted, a number of fundamental differences between concepts are revealed. Intersubjectivity and dialogue are correlated as possibility and reality, as space and action in this space, as timelessness and temporality, as whole and part. The space of intersubjectivity as three-layered is fixed: the existential-phenomenological, cultural-symbolic and institutional levels of intersubjectivity are unfolding each in its logic: the logic of the victim, the logic of the gift and the logic of exchange, respectively. The peculiarity of the dialogue is seen in the fact that it is accentuated on the second - cultural-symbolic - level of intersubjectivity. The existential-phenomenological and institutional levels remain outside the zone of dialogue. The first is due to the lack of attention to such an essential tool as speech. The second is due to the absence of the subject to whom this speech is addressed. Relations at the normative or institutional level of intersubjectivity are close to the subject-object relationship. At the same time, the layers of intersubjectivity are not homogeneous, the analysis reveals a fractal principle of their composition. Each level of intersubjectivity is similar to all intersubjectivity in general. So, in a dialogue, three logics are combined: the existential logic of expression, the symbolic logic of understanding and the institutional logic of positioning, which are correlative to the logic of sacrifice, gift and exchange. Moments, when the dialogue overlaps the whole space of intersubjectivity, are rather exceptions to the rules, but it is at such moments that it realizes itself completely.

Yuliya Masalova
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-3-12

The formation of human resources of a certain quality is a complex and time-consuming process. It is implemented both at the macro level (country, region, industry), and at the micro level (organization, people). The subject of the study is management relations (methodological approaches) arising in the process of shaping the quality of human resources. In the course of the research it was found out that the subject of management in the process of shaping a certain quality of human resources can be, both an individual himself/herself and the managerial staff of the organization, the country. Approaches to the formation of the quality of human resources differ at the individual, organizational and state levels, depending on the interests and needs of subjects and management objects. The object of management is the quality of human resources. It is a set of characteristics of human resources that meets the requirements that are formed in the external and internal environment of the system in the process of creating their competitive advantages. The subject of the study is management relations. Requirements for the quality of human resources are permanently changing. They are manifested at different levels: at the state level (for example, regarding the qualification level of employees and the level of productivity of their work), at the organizational level (for example, regarding the competencies of employees and the efficiency of their activities), at the individual level (as an attitude toward the process of formation and application of his/her human capital).

L.E. Nikiforova,  A.I. Zyryanova
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-43-55

The article is devoted to the theoretical understanding of the social group "young people" in the context of public administration theory. The authors consider the approaches to the definition of youth in domestic and foreign legislation, sociology and public administration theory. They also study the impact of different factors on socio-demographic groups differentiation and the content of youth policy. The article analyzes different approaches to the youth policy development taking into consideration all parties concerned. The authors suggest their own understanding of the "youth" and "youth policy" concepts in the context of Russia innovative development. Referring to the new trends in public life and the formation of a generational paradigm, the authors refuse to set a lower age-related limit. The period of youth policy development and its implementation exceeds the duration of individual stages of a human life cycle ("childhood", "adolescence" and "youth"). It is also known, that at these bifurcation points the variety of development directions of a person, both positive and negative, sharply increases. Thus, special attention must be paid to the public management of transitional periods. The authors have developed principles of the youth policy formation on the basis of a matrix approach. The approach suggests that the solution of specific problems of youth need to be supplemented by the integration of the components of the youth policy into all policies, programs and projects at all hierarchical levels of government. The authors suggest interpreting of the youth policy as a priority activity aimed at preserving the life and health of youth, reproduction of the population, improving the quality of young people life and developing its potential for the benefit of society and future generations. The subjects of the policy are state authorities and local authorities, youth and other parties concerned.

I.S. Tyukhova,  Iu.V. Puiu
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-28-33

The article deals with the problems of the essence of consciousness manipulation in the process of self-preservation of a social group by holding holidays. One of the most complex and unambiguously interpreted scientific problems at the present time is the problem of determining the place and various functions of the sacral in the everyday life of society. Of course, the traditional understanding of a holiday as a ritual action that transcends the transcendental nature of being has been preserved to some extent to this day, however, with the development of different social arrangements in the context of life, not only collective, but also individual, has somewhat changed its character. Strictly speaking, the development of philosophical thought with respect to this problem was extremely diverse, but at the same time it had certain homogeneity, manifested in the traditional understanding of a particular area of this aspect. The original understanding of the holiday as sacralization of being, which really exists here and now, was extremely important in the development of the history of the existence of an individual and his relationship with the objectively surrounding world. Of course, the birth of manipulation should not be directly proportional to the existential aspect of life as such. On the contrary, life, according to its dual nature, can not but perform various kinds of manipulation to determine the essence of its existence. The concept of dualism of being has acquired completely different features with the development of a philosophical view of the problems of this kind in the process of historical and philosophical consideration. The initial perception of this phenomenon was absolutely authentic, for it found responses in the determination of the One as the Absolute in its individual kind through the disintegration into plurality, revealing certain regularities in terms of transcendental being. Manipulation of consciousness in the process of research actually appears as a kind of technology of domination of the sacral over everyday life. Holiday as a ritual allows us to manifest the essence of sacralization, determining the place of man in the process of his own being through manipulative character in the context of interaction with the objective world.

Raisa Zayakina
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-3.2-41-52

The article analyses the origin and development of social topology as well as the reasons for choosing the paths of its further development. Taking into account the directions in mathematical topological thought which are defined as theoretical multiple and algebraic topology, we distinguish two main vectors in devising socio-topological views: the topology of space and the topology of form. The first is based on the works of Kurt Lewin and Pierre Bourdieu and represented as a configuration of units located in social space. The second originates from the works of Rene Tohm, which conceptualize the forms of objects and urge the research in isomorphic processes, figurativeness and equivalence of their models in a social reality context. The authors analyse the methods of applying the topology of space to modern sociological research ranging from visual physical understanding of place to abstract logical representation of the role and meaning of a social object.  They also reveal the reasons why sociologists and social philosophers have mastered and actively made use of space-topology methodology tools. The paper explains the origin of difficulty in realizing the ideas and theoretical methodological capacities of the topology of form in human and social sciences. The authors suggest and prove the conclusion that a one-sided attitude towards topology is non-productive and greatly weakens our sociological understanding, procedures and the results of topological studies of social objects

N.T. Tovmasyan
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-3.2-53-64

The author considers the formation and development of the “public sphere”, the construction of its theoretical image, prospects and threats in the epoch of IT prevalence. The author analyzes different concepts of “public sphere” and reveals its substantial similarities and differences. He also gives a thorough analysis of the most popular approaches (terms, ideas, concepts) to the definition of "public sphere" in scientific literature. The author comes to the conclusion, that the result of the long-run discussion is the understanding of the fact, that the rational and fair space for discussions, which was mentioned by J. Habernas, needs the new forms of its implementation. It is quite possible and logical to put it into action in the Internet. At the same time, the problem of threats and the limits of the virtual public sphere are still unsolved. Therefore, the society needs support and coordination of people in the interaction with the new embodiment of “the public sphere”. The concept of "public sphere" is used rather often, but being highly controversial it gives rise to the need for careful consideration of its content for systematizing ideas and concepts that relate to it and predict further ways of its development or transformation to the virtual public sphere in the space of the Internet.

R.R. Sorokin,  O.E. Andreev,  O.A. Vereshhagin
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-3.2-65-72

The article presents the problems of critical discursive studies in political communication. In particular, the authors demonstrate the methods and strategies of administration through constructing authoritative metanarrative. Media institutions of linguistic (cultural) domination, according to the authors, ensure the stability of the existing hierarchical order and express the fundamental "will to power" in practice of public relations. The nature of domination is manifested in the tightening of control and regulation of communicative actions of citizens almost at the level of generation text and speech. The power authorities (the linguistic ones) in the modern context are not satisfied with the control of discourse as a social practice; they are increasingly interested in the process of subjectification (individualization) of the perception experience. Power wants to control texts and speech products in the media space, and also it sees itself as a generator of the subject's inner experience. The transformation of people into subjects is in essence a special way of representing them in the modern public legal space. The authors believe, that turning to the verbal technique of parresia, allows you to see alternative ways of self-constitution and self-presentation that existed in the traditional consciousness. The socio-cognitive nature of symbolic politics is considered in the general context of the development of the sociology of knowledge as a promising area of social humanitaristics. The authors carried out an analysis of the forms and mechanisms of the discursive reproduction of the elite power taking into account rich research experience of the Western theory of political communication.