E.I. Lapa,  A.V. Kravchenko
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-64-76

The object of this research is the regional labor market (on the example of the Zabaykalsky Krai). In the research process the authors applied methods of factor analysis, cluster analysis, system and comparative analysis, extrapolation using trend models, calculative and analytical methods. The results of the study are an analytical review of the basic concepts, elements, classifications and functions of the labor market, overview of the main models of labor market and their characteristics. The authors have identified regions with similar strategies of employers and workers behavior during making the supply and demand for labor and have determined two factors affecting the regional labor market. Equilibrium and cobweb models of the Zabaykalsky Krai labor market were developed and the level of equilibrium price and employment was determined. The authors made a set of recommendations for regional authorities to regulate the situation in the labor market of the region. The results of this research can be applied to: the activities of the municipal and state government to assess the situation in the regional labor market; departments of labor and employment as a basis for the analysis, monitoring and selection of the regional employment policy models; educational institutions in the specialists training who are engaged in vocational guidance work with young people; associations of employers and regional government to develop the model and train specialists with necessary qualifications and a sufficient level of skills.

I.N. Zaidman
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-161-168

The author focuses on issues relevant to modern communication. It`s known that business relationships are largely dependent on effective communication between partners. Any communication takes place in oral or written form, i.e. it involves some perception of information. It`s reading, if partners are located far away or working with the documents and it`s listening at contact communication, when the speaker and the listener are either close, or use modern means of communication (Skype, Viber, WhatsApp). The success of communication depends on an adequate understanding that is not always the case. The sharp increase in the amount of information in the modern world requires skills to identify the main thing, to omit unnecessary points and discrete, dispersed perception, known as “clip thinking”, contributes to it. The paper characterizes the features of clip thinking in mapping and conceptual thinking and evaluates their effectiveness for different human activities. The author gives examples and analyzes the communicative interference and failure in different situations, explains their causes. Even people whose work involves communication show inadequate understanding of the perception of information: linguists and psychologists. The article argues that the above mentioned phenomenon is due to clip thinking of communicants and undeveloped skills of reading and listening, as well as uncritical in the evaluation of their own speech behavior. The study showed that in the perception of the main information the loss is not observed, i.e. the abilities of scanning and listening for gist are developed. It`s detailed listening that creates the biggest difficulty in the majority of cases, as well as learning reading and critical evaluation of information and its analysis. The author suggests the ways of increasing motivation of students to improve their speech activities, methods of communicative abilities`development.The paper equips the reader with some techniques and tasks necessary to teach detailed and critical reading and listening. The tasks are distributed according to the stages of speech activity: perception of the text, in the process of reading or listening and then at the stage of self-control. The author describes the proposed tasks and their possible complications. The earlier we develop the skills of adequate perception of the text and the ability to identify the shortcomings, the more successful the communication of a person as he grows older will be. This is especially important for managers, since their communication skills depend on the psychological climate in the team and the success in promoting business. The following research methods are used in the article: monitoring the speech activity, speech recording, analysis of contexts and design of training courses.

Svetlana Belousova
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-13-27

The article presents a systematic consideration of the “labor” phenomenon which implies studying of internal features of the system, including its internal elements, functions and interrelations. According to this approach the author examines structural components of the labor system, including labor supply, labor potential and labor capital. The paper suggests the quantitative and qualitative assessment of human resources, scantiness of which demands applying an integrated approach to the analysis of labor efficiency, and one of its options “decent work”. After consideration of implementation of the concept “decent work”, the author revealed some vital issues such as theoretical validity of structural indicators of “decent work”, and practical application of the offered parameters in administrative practice as well. Despite an urgent need of such activities, the human resources management practice shows inefficiency of the state policy in the sphere of employment. The author highlights the need of transformation of the object of management in this field towards the labor potential and the labor capital.

T.R. Romanov
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-77-84

The article considers the problem of incentives of customer-oriented behavior of Bank employees. Since the subject of customer-oriented behavior is an employee who has his/her own interests, the motives that govern his/her employment, the relevance of the customer-oriented behavior stimulation is an obvious issue for the modern banking institutions. Basing on the conducted research of the experience of customer-oriented stimulation, the author identified certain features and also the shortcomings of the remuneration systems of Bank employees. Using these data, the author developed and suggested an approach that includes, firstly, a comprehensive methodology for the evaluation of customer-oriented behavior of Bank employees in the form of a "matrix of a customer-oriented employee ", and, secondly, on the basis of the remuneration system for each category of Bank employees, allowing to stimulate, i.e. to form, maintain and develop desired customer focus. The suggested methodology received the approval which allows to make conclusions about the efficiency of this approach and the appropriateness of its application in the banking sector. The authors also make recommendations for the Bank managers on encouragement of their staff in customer-oriented behavior. In the research the authors used methods of analysis, comparison, induction and deduction.

NO CATEGORY - NO PROBLEM (About some innovations in the draft of the new Budget Code of the Russian Federation)
Ekaterina Goryushkina,  Boris Lavrovskii
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.1-179-184

The profile federal regional department (Russian Federation Ministry for Nationalities Issues and Regional Policy) since its establishment has been in a difficult situation in the matter of its activity object. This is proved indirectly by its numerous (five times!) renaming. Difficulties finally reached such a level that it was decided in October 2001 to abolish it. In 2004, the ministry was re-created, but in September 2014 it was abolished again. Between the articles 41 and 47 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation of January 1, 2000, there was a contradiction in the matter of the content of "own revenues" category. The developers had to eliminate the contradiction, but in such a way that, as far as possible, the volume of the region's own revenues should be increased in accordance with the political line. And indeed, in the amended article 47 of the Budget Code of January1, 2005, "incomes received by budgets in the form of gratuitous income, with the exception of subventions" were also attributed to the budget's own revenues. The greatness of the idea is that a significant increase in the region's own revenues is achieved by simply changing the definition. But this decision was not radical enough, and the concept of "own revenues" is completely excluded from the draft of the new edition of the Code. It is a tendency, though!

A.A. Shaposhnikov,  P.P. Baranov
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.1-113-134

The authors analyze the rare experience of philosophical understanding of the accounting phenomenon reflected in the scientific heritage of one of the American accounting tradition founders – Charles Ezra Sprague. The article reveals the ideas of the American scientist on the nature, the form and construction of an account as a key category of accounting theory, his view on logic of communication between accounts and the balance sheet, and specific author's interpretation of balance sheet equation and objects of accounting. Basing on the historical parallels and analogies built between Ch. E. Sprague's ideas and urgent provisions of modern theories of financial accounting the authors come to the conclusion about the need to ensure a balance of foresight research in the field of accounting practice and historical, philosophical and science studies of the accounting theory and methodology.

Olga Voronkova,  Elena Stukalenko
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-3.2-132-144

The article presents an analysis of the dynamics of the indicators characterizing the level and quality of life of the population in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. The research analyses the economic situation of the countries from 2011 until 2014, i.e. before the official formation of the Union. The rise of interest for the use of non-standard methods of quality of life measurement for international comparisons has increased in recent times. The scientific community has faced the question: how is it possible to compare the quality of life between countries if every country has its own standards? Moreover, a sense of wellbeing is always relative. In spite of the fact that such macroeconomic indicators as average GDP per capita, the monetary income of population and the Gini coefficient are useful in studying the level and quality of life, they don’t allow us to effectively analyze the level of life satisfaction. In modern research the methods of subjective wellbeing estimation are of great importance. Formal macroeconomic indicators combined with the data of subjective perception of wellbeing allow us to get a more exact picture of current events, including social, political, etc. This research has shown that the assessment of the subjective perception of wellbeing doesn’t always correspond to the objective indicators. For example, despite the low objective indicators of the level of living, the Kyrgyzstan population is more satisfied with its material wellbeing and life in general than the population of other countries of the Union. In conclusion, it can be stated that the level of income inequality in a country can affect the indicators of the subjective perception of wellbeing. It should be noted that subjective indicators have certain problems.

A.M. Varaksa,  I.G. Fyutik,  N.A. Nekrasov
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-3.2-145-153

Economic needs of Russia demonstrate the importance of inland water transport. The purpose of this article is to analyze the state of the inland river fleet in the Russian Federation and to identify the methods of its development. To reach the set goal, the authors analyzed the statistical data of shipping companies’ activities and used such methods as deduction, analysis and empirical method in their work. The authors identified the development priorities of shipping companies: technical rearmament, employment of ship management and gradual transition to innovative development. The article indicates the possibilities for renewal of fixed assets of companies, identifies the advantages of navigation management, and presents the methods of transition to the new quality of transport services in accordance with the innovative development. The development of water transport is feasible and economically viable. Transportation is effective for the reasons of reducing costs of building materials and transportation of minerals from the north-eastern parts of the country. To improve the quality of transport services the authors recommend to construct and maintain new watercrafts.

Oleg Donskikh,  I.O. Maksimov,  T.A. Nikonova,  G.V. Toropchin,  D.A. Borisov

Since 2009 the “Novosibirsk Model of the United Nations” at the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management has been held by the Department of the World Economy, International Relations and Law as an important methodological and practical element of education in International Relations, International Regional Studies and the World Economy. The experience of modeling the activities of the United Nations is important for students to understand how the decision-making process in modern international system works and why in international relations everything is not going as well as we would like, but not as bad as it could be. The round table discussed the role of the UN in the modern world, the history of the organization and the contradictions, put in the basement by its founders when it emerged; the causes of the current UN crisis and the prospects for its elimination; the role of the UN in the past and present armed conflicts; in ensuring international security and protecting human rights; the United Nations activities in the field of the world economy on the example of the UN Global Compact on Social Responsibility, as well as other issues related to international relations at the present stage. It is noted that in the ordinary mind the expectations of the UN are extremely high. The UN has formed the image of a powerful and influential organization, the world government,

T.M. Shishkina
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-2.2-17-29

The article provides the analysis of modern approaches to the theory of value in economic anthropology with an insight to David Graber’s works. The article highlights the impact of Sociology and Economics on the genesis of anthropological theory of value. The main task of the article is to identify the key points of the modern anthropological value studies and to analyze them in terms of Economics. The provided analysis shows that anthropological theory of value has a lot in common with marginalism, however, it also highlights the significant differences between these approaches. The last part of the article focuses on the opportunities to apply the economic anthropology conclusions to Economics and special attention is paid to the critical analysis of the socio-anthropological definition of value in case of the luxury consumption and the problem of falsification of the hypothesis of the symbolic capital.