Философия в поиске путей развития: от иерархизированного знания к живой актуальной дискуссии

DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2020-12.1.1-67-70
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The author presents a review of N.S. Rozov's article “Siberian Philosophy in front of Intellectual Challenge: Overcoming ‘Provincialism’ and ‘Indigeneity’”. The article highlights the idea that the division of philosophy into three clusters: provincial, indigenous and metropolitan, is also perceived as identifying different levels of philosophic thinking. The proposed point of view on the structure and hierarchy of philosophical networks can be extended from Siberia and Siberian philosophy to Russia as the whole, which, in relation to world philosophy, acts as a philosophical province. The author points out that the development of Internet technologies and Internet networks has led to desacralization of any knowledge and this desacralization of knowledge will significantly affect the structure of philosophical networks in the near future. It will happen due to the fact, that provincialism and indigeneity are characterized by ‘a simpler view of life’, while their main problem may be reduced to the lack and inaccessibility of texts. Indigeneity, provincialism at one pole can turn into misery and uprootedness, but at the other pole they can turn into nomadism and passionarity. And an opportunity to be a truly “indigenous” philosopher seems quite interesting, acquiring a new meaning: a person who feels free from the influence of metropolitan schools.

Вы можете скачать статью по ссылке: Зазулина М.Р. Философия в поиске путей развития: от иерархизированного знания к живой актуальной дискуссии // Идеи и идеалы. – 2020 – Том 12, №1, ч.1 – С. 67‐70.