N.I. Korytchenkova,  E.S. Goldshmidt
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-134-149

The authors highlight the fact that nowadays people with the rational forms of thinking comprise the most part of the population (people, whose left hemisphere is more developed than the right one) and in addition to this there is a considerable deformation in individual profiles of functional brain asymmetry (IPA). In the authors’ opinion, in order to form a versatile personality, to develop universal and flexible thinking it is required to harmonize mental operations from the point of view of brain functional asymmetry, that allows to think of the prospects for actualization of psychological potential of an individual. One of these prospects, according to the wave model development can be an unlimited increase of life expectancy. In the Kemerovo State University since the late 1990s the studies have singled out 9 major types of individual profile of functional asymmetry of the brain (IPA), which are formed as a combination of asymmetry of motor and sensory areas. To coordinate the psychophysiological potential (IPA) with the mental models the following mental semiotic models are used: Frege, Vasilyuk and Anuashvili models which are compared with the phrenological and Cabbalistic models of the psyche. The authors consider mental development as a successive advancing through specific phases with different asymmetry and intensity of both hemispheres interaction. The article suggests a potential method of human abilities development by using the methods of brain gym (educational kinesiology). The article demonstrates the results of the study of the IPA distribution at school among students and teachers, as well as the results of applying special methods of IPA correction among high school students.

I.N. Zaidman
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-161-168

The author focuses on issues relevant to modern communication. It`s known that business relationships are largely dependent on effective communication between partners. Any communication takes place in oral or written form, i.e. it involves some perception of information. It`s reading, if partners are located far away or working with the documents and it`s listening at contact communication, when the speaker and the listener are either close, or use modern means of communication (Skype, Viber, WhatsApp). The success of communication depends on an adequate understanding that is not always the case. The sharp increase in the amount of information in the modern world requires skills to identify the main thing, to omit unnecessary points and discrete, dispersed perception, known as “clip thinking”, contributes to it. The paper characterizes the features of clip thinking in mapping and conceptual thinking and evaluates their effectiveness for different human activities. The author gives examples and analyzes the communicative interference and failure in different situations, explains their causes. Even people whose work involves communication show inadequate understanding of the perception of information: linguists and psychologists. The article argues that the above mentioned phenomenon is due to clip thinking of communicants and undeveloped skills of reading and listening, as well as uncritical in the evaluation of their own speech behavior. The study showed that in the perception of the main information the loss is not observed, i.e. the abilities of scanning and listening for gist are developed. It`s detailed listening that creates the biggest difficulty in the majority of cases, as well as learning reading and critical evaluation of information and its analysis. The author suggests the ways of increasing motivation of students to improve their speech activities, methods of communicative abilities`development.The paper equips the reader with some techniques and tasks necessary to teach detailed and critical reading and listening. The tasks are distributed according to the stages of speech activity: perception of the text, in the process of reading or listening and then at the stage of self-control. The author describes the proposed tasks and their possible complications. The earlier we develop the skills of adequate perception of the text and the ability to identify the shortcomings, the more successful the communication of a person as he grows older will be. This is especially important for managers, since their communication skills depend on the psychological climate in the team and the success in promoting business. The following research methods are used in the article: monitoring the speech activity, speech recording, analysis of contexts and design of training courses.

E.Yu. Sarsembayeva
DOI: 10.17212/2075-0862-2017-4.2-150-160

The author considers the opportunity of management activities optimization, which has been the subject of numerous scientific studies during a long period time. Today this area is still of the utmost importance. The structure of management activities is complex and it is built on multilevel psychological, socio-psychological and other phenomena. This article presents the data of modern studies aimed to support its distinctive features in perception, information processing, cognitive, emotional-volitional sphere of the right- and leftlateral respondents. This article is devoted to the study of individual styles of management activities of the executive educational team (school principals, head teachers). The study (n=140) proves that an individual management style is predefined by the peculiarities of lateralization of prefrontal lobes hemispheres of the brain. The significant differences are defined between individual management style of school principals and head teachers with different lateral organization of the brain. The study uses psychological tests (n=6) and statistical methods of data processing. It is proved that superintendents with left lateral and right lateral organization of the brain use different management tools. For example, in the activities of the left hemisphere superintendents stronger organizational skills are expressed, the authoritarian management style is used more often and motivation for success is expressed greater than motivation to avoid failures. The right hemisphere superintendents express stronger communication skills at a lower intensity of managerial skills, the democratic style of management is used more frequently, this type of individuals often focuses on avoiding failure than on achieving success. The main methodological principle laid down in the program of the study is the system approach. This study is in the "mainstream" of theories of individual differences that are explained by the features of braking force of regulatory unit in expression of the general properties of the CNS. This article contains recommendations that provide an opportunity to optimize managerial activities of individuals engaged in educational supervision. These recommendations are aimed at expansion of the components of management style.