

 The main purpose of the journal is the analytical study of culture in the broadest sense of the word. In the selection of materials, preference is given to works that introduce the latest scientific ideas into scientific and general cultural circulation, opening new approaches to the most important humanitarian problems of our time. Particular attention is paid to materials of interdisciplinary and general cultural significance.

Articles presenting the results of independent theoretical and empirical studies, thematic reviews, and cases are accepted for publication.

Target audience

The journal is intended for scholars, postgraduate students, and specialists interested in new approaches, trends and ideas in philosophy, economics, social studies and humanities.

Both reputable scholars and young researchers are invited to collaborate.

Check for originality and lack of text borrowings.

All incoming articles are necessarily checked in order to exclude illegal citation (plagiarism and self-quoting without indicating the source). The verification is carried out using the system "Antiplagiat University", http://nsuem.antiplagiat.ru.


The manuscripts of all articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal "Ideas and Ideals" are reviewed by the editorial board to ensure that the content of the article aligns with the profile of the journal and publication requirements. If there is any discrepancy, the article is rejected.

 The editors evaluate all manuscripts for the presence of incorrect borrowings (use of previously published texts by other authors and the authors themselves without links or incorrect citation) using the Antiplagiat text borrowing system. If such borrowings are found (taking into account the volume and nature of borrowings and / or incorrect citation), articles can be rejected or sent to the authors for revision and correction of the discovered deficiencies.

 Articles that meet the requirements are sent for peer review, which is carried out by members of the editorial board and other experts (recognized experts on the subject of the journal). Articles are subject to a double blind peer review procedure.

 Reviewers receive a list of criteria from the editorial board according to which the manuscript is assessed. The criteria are summarized in a document labelled "Form for assessing the suitability of an article for publication in the journal ‘Ideas and Ideals’ ". Reviewers are requested to assess the following:

 - Is the author's point of view on the problem under discussion original?

 - Is there any scientific novelty in the article?

 - What genre can the peer-reviewed article belong to?

 - Does the title of the article correspond to its content?

 - Is the content of the article disclosed in the abstract?

 - What is the scientific level of the article?

 - Does the bibliography of the article reflect modern views on the problem by domestic and foreign researchers?

 - Are there any comments on the language of the article, the coherence and consistency of the text?

 The assessments of the reviewers include an overall assessment of the quality of the submitted manuscript, justification of its advantages and disadvantages, comments and suggestions for improving the text. The review ends with a recommendation for the editorial board: the possibility of publishing an article in the journal "Ideas and Ideals"; the possibility of publication after appropriate revision (according to the comments and suggestions of the reviewer); refusal to publish (with appropriate argumentation).

 Reviews are discussed by the editorial board and serve as the basis for accepting or rejecting manuscripts. The editorial board informs the author about the refusal to publish, or the manuscript is sent to the author for revision, taking into account the comments and suggestions of the reviewer. The revised version of the article is assessed again. Reviews are kept for 5 years.

 The final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript is made by the editor-in-chief.

Free access to information

The online version of the journal is an open access publication. The license type is Creative Commons: cc by-nc-nd (Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives).

Full-text files of all issues of the journal in PDF format are in the public domain at http://ideaidealy.ru/archive.

Accepting the "Society without Barriers" social movement, the editorial board of the journal has decided to post audio files of articles of general significance on the website.

Permission to use content

When using any materials published in the journal "Ideas and Ideals", it is necessary to cite the journal and the authors of the articles.

Ethical standards

All participants in the publishing process are guided by the norms and international standards set by  the COPE Core practices (https://publicationethics.org/core-practices).

Disclosure and conflict of interest

Authors must disclose any financial or substantive conflict of interest that could affect the results or interpretations in their article.

All sources of financial support for the project must be disclosed.

Funding of the journal

Funding for the publication of the journal is carried out at the expense of the founders. The publication is free for authors ("platinum" model).