T.R. RomanovThe article considers the problem of incentives of customer-oriented behavior of Bank employees. Since the subject of customer-oriented behavior is an employee who has his/her own interests, the motives that govern his/her employment, the relevance of the customer-oriented behavior stimulation is an obvious issue for the modern banking institutions. Basing on the conducted research of the experience of customer-oriented stimulation, the author identified certain features and also the shortcomings of the remuneration systems of Bank employees. Using these data, the author developed and suggested an approach that includes, firstly, a comprehensive methodology for the evaluation of customer-oriented behavior of Bank employees in the form of a "matrix of a customer-oriented employee ", and, secondly, on the basis of the remuneration system for each category of Bank employees, allowing to stimulate, i.e. to form, maintain and develop desired customer focus. The suggested methodology received the approval which allows to make conclusions about the efficiency of this approach and the appropriateness of its application in the banking sector. The authors also make recommendations for the Bank managers on encouragement of their staff in customer-oriented behavior. In the research the authors used methods of analysis, comparison, induction and deduction.