Bigelow John
Bigelow John
Ph.D. (Philosophy) Cambridge University UK; Ph.D. (English) Monash University, Australia ,
Emeritus Professor of Philosophy School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies, Monash University, Wellington Rd, Clayton, Victoria, Australia 3800
ORCID: 0000-0002-3087-2809
Member of the International Editorial Board of "Ideas and Ideals".
Emeritus Professor John Christopher Bigelow, PhD, Philosophy
Monash University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Philosophy, School of Philosophical, Historical & International Studies
Professional address: School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies,
Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia 3800.
Citizenship: Canada and Australia.
Ph.D. (English) Monash University, Australia; thesis only; supervisor, Peter Groves; thesis title, Shakespeare’s Macro-Sonnets; conferred 2018.
Ph.D. (Philosophy) Cambridge University UK; 3 years full time study 1970-1973; thesis only; supervisor, Ian Hacking; thesis title, Words, Thoughts, and Objects; conferred 1973.
M.A. Simon Fraser University, Canada; supervisor Jonathan Bennett; thesis title, The Concept of Knowledge; conferred 1971.
B.A. University of Canterbury, NZ; Philosophy major; conferred 1969.
1991: elected for life as Fellow, The Australian Academy of Humanities.
Employment history
1991, Professor of Philosophy, Monash University, retired 2010; now Emeritus Professor.
1989 – 1990: Reader in Philosophy, La Trobe University.
1989: Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
1980 - 1988: Senior Lecturer, La Trobe University.
1978 - 1980: Lecturer, La Trobe University.
1973 - 1978: Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ.
1990: Science and Necessity (with Robert Pargetter)
(Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press).
1988: The Reality of Numbers: A Physicalist's Philosophy of Mathematics
(Oxford UK: Clarendon).
Refereed articles (total, over 60), examples:
2009: Jackson’s classical theory of meaning [with Laura Schroeter]
in Mind, Worlds, and Conditionals: Themes from the Philosophy of Frank Jackson,
- Ravenscroft (Ed.), Clarendon, Oxford UK, pp.85-109.
2004: Les Identités Primitives (transl. into French by Stéphane Dunand),
in La Structure du Monde: Objects, Propriétés, États de Choses, Renouvequ de la M’ertaphysique dans l’École Australienne de Philosophie, ed. Jean-Maurice Monnoyer, Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin, Sorbonne, Paris, pp.579-608.
1996: Presentism and properties
Metaphysics, Vol 10, Philosophical Perspectives, ed. J.E. Tomberlim, Ridgeview, Atascadero CA, 1996, pp.35-52.
1990: Acquaintance with qualia [with Robert Pargetter]
Theoria 61, pp.129-147.
1987: Functions [with Robert Pargetter]
The Journal of Philosophy 34, pp.181-196.